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A Critical Review of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913
*Printed copies will be available after September 15th - Scroll down for link
First printing August 25, 2024
Table of Contents
President Woodrow Wilson signs Federal Reserve Act on Dec 23, 1913
The History of Money
What is debt?
The Knight's Templars - Europes first bankers
United States Constitution
Coinage Act of 1792
First United States Bank 1791-1811
Thomas Jefferson opposed the bank
Second United States Bank 1816-1836
Andrew Jackson opposed the bank
National Banks 1863-1913
Depressions of 1873,1893,1907
1910 New York Bankers meet in Secret at Jekyll Island
Federal Reserve Bankers get Free Currency under new Federal Reserve Act
1930'S - Fr. Charles Cougnlin radio broadcasts exposes the bankers credit monopoly
The real causes of the Stock Market crash of 1929
How would an honest money system work?
The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and the eighth privilege that gives them free currency
Double Dipping - How bankers with U.S. bonds collect twice.
Voodoo Economics - the math does not work for high interest rates and exploding debts
How the Federal Reserve has become an unelected 4th branch of government
Exhibits and Petitions to Congress
The Exhibits and arguments in this report could be used in a Federal Law suit as a legal brief.
1. Federal Resserve Agent reveals the cost of buying currency from the Bureau of Engraving.
2. How Federal Reserve Banks create digital dollars for deposit in a computer.
3. Big Bank Probe Urged-Handful Controls Industry.
4. FOIA requests (2) to the Federal Reserve Board left them nearly speechless.
5. Petition to Congress - The Cash Distribution Act proposal - Congress would print and distribute $1000 in cash (currency) once each year to every U.S. Citizen through their local Post Office..
6. Petition to Congress - The Federal Reserve Overdraft Protection Act - would forever end the sale of U.S. Bonds.
7. A copy of the original Federal Reserve Act of 1913 - retrieved from the archives of the Federal Reserve Bank of St.Louis, Mo.
Note- Printed copies of all the forgoing articles and exhibits in "A Critical Review of the Federal Reserve Act"will soon be available in a ring binder for easy reading, references and talking about to our elected leaders as we seek their support.
Call for more information, or request an Order Form or literature on all the books I have published.
Phone 414-231-9817- CST - 9 am to 3 pm - credit cards accepted for phone orders.
A Critical Review of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913
Printed coil bound - 68 pages 8.5 x 11"
$15 a copy
Money Creation - from the Knights Templars to Wall St Bankers
Table of Contents
The Unique Nature of Money - coins and currency p. 6
American Revolution and Continental Currency p. 8
Credit Defined as a “Promise to Pay Money” p. 23
How “money” is created with the stroke of a credit card p. 23
Banks pay zero interest for the “money” they create p. 24
How Cash and Credit are recycled p. 25
The Rothschild Dynasty p. 7
Bankers bait (cash), then switch borrowers to digital dollars p. 26
Who owns the U.S. National Debt p. 28
How Ben Bernanke prevented an economic collapse in 2008 p. 30
CNN Anderson Cooper “where is all this money coming from” p. 32
Conflicts between Big Banks and the Fed. Res. Board p. 36
Seven Banking Reform Proposals p. 45
What Consumers can do p. 49
Support non-profit banks and non-profit credit unions p. 50
Examples-Bank of North Dakota and local Credit Unions p. 50
How States could legally mint silver or gold coins p. 53
Big Bank Probe Urged – Handful controls Industry p. 57
64 pages 5.5x8.5 - $7.00 a copy
Health Books to Make America Healthy Again (MAHA)
Chapter 1 - The History of Hydrogen Peroxide
Chapter 2 - Case Reports - people, pets, and plants
Chapter 3 - Safety Considerations
Chapter 4 - Bio-Oxidative Formulas
Chapter 5 - Oxygen and Ozone
Chapter 6 - Selenium, Magnesium and other Minerals
Chapter 7 - Cancer linked to low oxygen levels and refined sugar
Chapter 8 - Scientifc Research on flaxseed oil
Chapter 9 - Garlic, Cayenne, Lemons and Wakame
Chapter 10- Kitchen cupboard infection Fighters
Chapter 11- Covid-19 origins, vaccines, Hiv connection, and treatments
64 pages 5.5x8.5 - $7.95 a copy
Revised. A self-help guide for improving intestinal and colon health using fiber, whole foods and probiotics. Prevent and treat acid-reflux, candidiasis, colitis, constipation, crohn's, diarrhea, food sensitivities, gall stones, indigestion, IBS, leaky gut, poor appetite, stomach pain,ulcers and much more. 64 pages
Chapter 1 - Restoring Intestinal Health
Chapter 2 - Natural way to help Digestion
Chapter 3 - Colon Health and the pH Factor
Chapter 4 - Bifido bacteria and butyrate are essential for colon health
Chapter 5 - Sunlight,intestinal Health and the Immune System are all linked
Chapter 6 - Scientific Rsearch on the benefits of Probiotics
Chapter 7 - Fiber and prebiotics that support the growth of friendly intestinal flora
Chapter 8 - Foods that support the growth of probiotics
Chapter 9 - Benefits of cultured cabbage, kombucha and fermented vegetables
Chapter 10 - Dietary and Home remedies for over 20 types of intestinal health issues